We demand international means for child protection in response to the Polish parliamentary act on a false representative of a child ("ustawa o zmianie ustawy Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy oraz niektórych innych ustaw", legislative proposal 3309 in Sejm, 1061 in Senat). The politicians in Poland are creating a feeding ground for professional lawyers and refusing to ensure the child's voice before court of law in a family proceedings. The new legislation follows the unconstitutional regulations that have been used to organize the systemic crime of enforced disappearances of persons in Poland under the disguise of "international adoption". Again, the political parties in Poland take an active role in crime facilitation. This time, however, they consort with professional lawyers and seek their support before election in exchange for the earning opportunities for the lawyers. The politicians need the lawyers' support in fighting accusations of exclusion of voter's candidates from parliamentary elections contrary to the constitution (article 100) and of the undue timing and lack of confirmation of the last presidential elections by the competent Supreme Court.