Norway should apologise to the Polish consul

Norway should apologise to the Polish consul
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD) confirms that the Polish diplomat Slawomir Kowalski has been declared undesirable in Norway. - We can confirm that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged Poland to recall this consul - Press Officer, Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde, tells NTB. - The background is his actions in several consular cases that are not compatible with the role of a diplomat - she elaborates. (...) The message where the consul was asked to leave Norway was given at a meeting between the Polish Ambassador, Iwona Woicka–Żuławska, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kowalski has been mentioned several times by Norwegian media in connection with cases related to child welfare in Norway. Among other things, he has contributed actively in assisting Polish families who have been in conflict with the Norwegian child welfare services". "". ",Norway-wants-Polish-consul-to-be-recalled-report", ",Poland-grants-asylum-to-Norwegian-woman-report", "".

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Petition to: the Prime Minister of Poland and to the Prime Minister of Norway
"(PL, EN) My, obywatele Rzeczypospolitej, głęboko potępiamy bezprecedensowe norweskie wydalenie polskiego konsula pana Sławomira Kowalskiego w oczywistej zemście za jego odważną obronę rodzin, dzieci i człowieczeństwa przed okrutnym bezprawiem norweskich urzędników państwowych celowo niszczących dla własnego zysku lub osobistej korzyści liczne rodziny rodzime i zagraniczne w Norwegii. Zauważamy bezpośredni związek czasowy między podłym aktem wydalenia dyplomaty a ochroną azylową udzieloną niedawno norweskiej matce i jej rodzinie przez polski rząd. Dlatego wzywamy polski rząd do kontynuowania polityki humanitarnej wobec państwa norweskiego i do zdecydowanego wyrażenia polskich wartości poprzez wydalenie trzech norweskich dyplomatów w symbolicznym geście protestu. Wzywamy również premiera Norwegii do natychmiastowego publicznego przeproszenia polskiego dyplomaty, którego Norwegia poważnie znieważyła. We, the people of Poland, deeply condemn the unprecedented Norwegian expulsion of the Polish consul Mr. Sławomir Kowalski in an apparent vengeance for his brave defence of families, children, and humanity against the cruel lawlessness of Norwegian state officials purposefully destroying for their gain or personal benefit numerous native and foreign families in Norway. We notice the immediate temporal connection between the mean act of the expulsion of the diplomat and the asylum protection given recently to a Norwegian mother and her family by the Polish government. Therefore we call the Polish government to continue its humanitarian policy against the Norwegian state and to forcefully voice the Polish values by expelling three Norwegian diplomats in a symbolic gesture of protest. We also call the prime minister of Norway to immediately apologise in public to the Polish diplomat whom Norway has gravely insulted. Stowarzyszenie Wolne Spoleczenstwo; e-mail:; fax.: 0048616661059; post: ul. Sw. Marcin 29/8, 61-806 Poznan, Poland. Identity Heritage Supporting Board; e-mail:"