Why is this important
Petition to: World Health Organization, President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Premier Daniel Andrews, President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Pfizer, Moderna, University of Oxford, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson
"Dear sir/madam,
My name is Theodor-Nicolae Carp and I am an MSc Biomedical Science student at the University of Westminster, in London. I wish to notify you of a number of pieces of detailed and accurate scientific information that have come to my attention because they really seem to be highly concerning.
Immunisation represents part of human evolution in relation to agents that more or less threaten the existence of a number of members in the species, and this underlines the importance of scientists and doctors to develop such methods of sharpening the intelligence of herd immunity. Immunisation and herd immunity constitute an important part of the evolution of a species. Throughout the previous decades, such methods have generally been proven a clear success, and humanity benefited from this biologically, immunologically and even financially. Herd immunity has been growing exponentially in its intelligence and efficacy in countries where the majority of the people received those vaccines, especially in areas of adaptive immunity. However, this has been the case for pathogens with natural sources, and immunisation there took place within the requests of the natural laws. This process could be regarded as an evolutionary compatibility between the host organism and the infectious agent.
What could happen for pathogens that came from laboratories and "gain-of-function" research had been performed during their development?
Here, the situation becomes trickier and even much more complex, given that artificial evolution had been exercised upon that pathogen before it was accidentally or purposefully leaked from that environment. In this case, scientists would have to use a piece of that pathogenic genome or a weaker version of it to try to help people gain herd immunity without a significant number of deaths as a result of infection. The following problem arises: the immune system may not be ready at that time to be enhanced to this specifically high level, and even though it is not an entire pathogen that is inserted into the body, there would still be plenty of people with weaker immune systems that would suffer significantly as a result of this immunisation attempt. This could cause the process to become nearly as, and often even deadlier than the infection itself, particularly for the immunologically disadvantaged, given the anatomy of the infection and the spike protein’s peak activity. In other words, a pressurised natural selection would take place, and as a result of this, plenty of members of the human species would lose their lives in the long run, given that the herd immunity is at a significantly lower level than the infectivity and virulence levels of the “gain-of-function” pathogen. Hence, it would be safer, if not even much safer, to start with the development of therapeutic approaches during the response against an infectious pathogen like this.
Normally, much more time would be needed to develop a safe and effective prophylactic vaccine against this kind of pathogenic agent. When it comes to SARS-CoV-2, the signs that it is a result of "gain-of-function" research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology have continued to grow, as scientists all around the world have kept finding more pathogenic and morbid variants of the virus. This aspect, combined with the revolutionary mRNA technology developed as an immunisation attempt, leads to the following likely conclusion; at least one or two decades of intensive research are needed to determine if there could ever be a safe and effective anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for use throughout the globe, especially when it comes to the mRNA-based methods. It is important to mention that this does not have to do a lot with the new technology as much as the likely origins and nature of the virus. Furthermore, the difference between the vaccine and the natural infection is that, during the vaccination, the mRNA that specifies the spike protein is inserted deeply into the deltoid muscle and close to endothelial cells and essential blood vessels, which means the spike protein can more easily facilitate the transport of the mRNA into the bloodstream, which will cause spike proteins to be spread to completely different body sites. The particular features of the mRNA that make this possible are the modifications made at the nucleoside level in order for the molecule to last for at least a few days, instead of a few hours, and the protection of that nucleic acid molecule by lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). According to a study performed by the Salk Institute that outlines the damaging effects of the spike protein upon endothelial cells, COVID-19 is mainly a blood-borne disease, although infection first occurs in the cells of the pharyngeal wall. Likewise, it is more likely that important blood vessels (i.e. the venae cavae and the aorta) will be affected after the vaccine than during infection, especially for the younger and healthier half of the population, and that means the spike protein can spread to other organs more easily after the vaccine. Furthermore, the spike protein was demonstrated via 2D static and 3D microfluidic in vitro models to be capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and damaging neurons. In addition, its receptor binding domain was shown to at least sometimes be capable of interacting with central nervous system proteins involved in neurosusteinability and causing risks of protein misfolding and the onset of neurodegenerative disease.
The current situation is starting to match with the prediction of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who warned on multiple occasions that new variants would end up escaping herd immunity and causing even more harm. Such a problem would likely take several months to fully occur, as the process of viral evolution outside the formed circle of immunity generally takes time. There is a growing sign that the current methods of vaccination represent a mirror effect of COVID-19, particularly in risk groups, and it is possible that at some point, they will no longer be effective and new vaccines will need to be developed. The problem in this situation is that, due to the evidently exponential growth in the infectivity and virulence of the virus with each round of mutation and spike protein antigen modification, the newer vaccines will be effective for an ever decreasing period of time until they run out of effectiveness. This scenario, alongside the evident risks of antibody-dependent enhancement and the peculiar origins of the spike protein-encoding mRNA in the viral genome, will end up causing many more casualties than previously thought.
Specifically, because the vaccines are not up-regulating the Pattern Recognition Reception performed by TLR-3, TLR-7, TLR-8, RIG-1 and MDA5 in endosomes and the cytoplasm respectively, and the synthesis of Type I Interferons to detect and lyse the virus in its early stages, then they end up supporting adaptive immunity much more than innate immunity, which is known to be the cornerstone of immunity. As a result, there will be a sharp increase in the assignment of adaptive immunity components (i.e. plasma cells, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and antibodies) to tackle the spike protein, and the innate immunity will lose memory in many people, which might cause them to be significantly more susceptible to less severe respiratory pathogens. This phenomenon represents an additional factor to antibody-dependent enhancement and pathogen priming, which both pose a real danger in the long run for many people, as they will become more susceptible to flu and common cold viruses.
An important sign of this is that, in people aged above 50, the deaths related to Delta variant infections were reported more in the fully vaccinated (~43%) than in the unvaccinated (~37%), according to a report added on the http://gov.uk/ website. Although the vaccinated to unvaccinated ratio plays an essential part in the determination of short-term risk assessment, the pattern of loss of immune memory to pathogens other than SARS-CoV-2 is already visible. Now, with the high concentration of UVB light in the air, there are far fewer complications and deaths. But with the autumn, as well as second and third immunisation attempting doses and the continuation of this pattern of events, the risks are enormous and require robust attention by leading scientific experts and executive powers. The already high number of individuals that have been inoculated twice and then admitted to hospital with the Delta variant represents a serious worry, and this raises the likelihood of a vast problem of immunosuppression from the start of the cold season due to this antibody-dependent enhancement phenomenon, which had occurred before in numerous children vaccinated against the Dengue Virus 2 (DENV2) in 2017, in the Philippines. The Dengue Virus 2 represents a pathogen that is a relative to SARS-CoV-2.
Under a Freedom of Information Act 2018 request, it was recently revealed by the United Kingdom’s Government that NHS hospital trusts have been utilising 40-45 cycles of amplification in their PCR testing systems, although it is clinically required to utilise at least 25 cycles and at most 35. Utilising too few cycles brings a high rate of false negative results, and utilising too many brings a high rate of false positive results. For example, using 45 cycles of DNA amplification in this testing system brings about a false positivity rate of up to 95-97%, if not even higher. Moreover, the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies as a way to determine past SARS-CoV-2 infections may be inaccurate, and a better method to use is the determination of one’s epigenetic DNA history. Likewise, this can represent a serious over-exaggeration of the problem, which can bring an unhealthy feeling of urgency to develop a method of therapy or immunisation in order to mitigate the disease for other large fragments of the population as soon as possible. Such urgency may result in the causation of serious errors in the creation and developmental processes of such therapeutic or immunising pathways, and it may also result in a serious disregard of other essential points of scientific debate and cause unhealthy levels of panicking in the population. A number of scientific sources have been pointing toward the possibility that the actual number of SARS-CoV-2 infections and related deaths since the first outbreak is much lower than the number presented by mainstream press, medical industry and UN countries’ executive powers, and this should be regarded as potential great news, rather than denial of facts and even part of a conspiracy theory.
It is becoming a more and more likely scenario that, as a result of pathogen priming, antibody-dependent enhancement and loss of immune memory, scientists will eventually be under tremendous pressure to change their approach and develop cutting-edge therapeutic drugs, as well as innovative schemes of treatment to tackle the virus inside the host cell and at its early stages. Three important steps could be the lysis of nsp1 using an IgM super-antibody cocktail, the separation of nsp10 from nsp16 using the TP29 small peptide drug and the degradation of L-Methionine in the S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine pocket of the virus using an oral recombinant methioninase, in order to restore much of the ability of the pattern recognition receptors and the cell's IFN-I-encoding gene and mRNA to perform their normal function during such viral infections. It is important to add that the disintegration of the S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine pocket could lower the activity of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase, which is responsible for viral replication. Also, inhibiting the activity of the nsp10 viral protein could be a wise method to mitigate the severity of the disease. Other potential prophylactic and therapeutic substances include the following: corticosteroids, anti-asthmatic compounds, Ivermectin, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Zinc, Methylene Blue, Quercetin, N-Acetyl Glucosamine and turmeric (extract from curcumin).
In December last year, during an in vitro experiment, two scientists from two top universities in the United States of America discovered that small parts of the SARS-CoV-2 genome (including some areas of the spike protein-encoding region) are reverse transcribed via the catalysis of LINE-1 and HIV-1 types of reverse transcriptases, and then integrated into various parts of the host organism’s functional genome, especially if the number of replicated viral copies was higher. At times, this may involve changes in the reading frame of important genes. My question is, why would HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase enzymes influence regions of the SARS-CoV-2 genome? Normally, it is very uncommon for mRNA nucleotides to be reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome, and when that happens, they are inserted into non-coding DNA regions in the vast majority of the cases.
A worrying study performed in India, and then withdrawn, indicated suspected evolutionary associations between four small fragments of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the HIV-1 gp120 and gag proteins, which means there are evolutionary similarities at the genomic level as well. Likewise, I find it visibly possible that there is a link between the two studies.
Although the paper was withdrawn, there needs to be a serious explanation on why HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptases influence parts of the spike protein-encoding region of SARS-CoV-2 as well. Now, when there are increasing suspicions that the novel coronavirus was actually leaked accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory and that it might have been manufactured using “gain-of-function” research (the CGG-CGG pair of codons on the mRNA encoding the spike protein’s S1/S2 subunit junction, which is part of the receptor-binding domain, is considered to be highly peculiar for a virus with supposedly natural origins), should experts and authorities amplify investigations on the nature of this virus?
It is crucial for the development of the spike protein-based vaccines, since they contain genetic material that represent over 12% of the viral genome. In other words, it implicates the collection and injection of a substantial fragment of a virus that has bio weapon-like behaviours, particularly from the moment it reaches important blood vessels. Another sign that this is likely to be the case is the fact that the infectivity and virulence levels of new variants are rising exponentially. For example, the Delta variant can be around 64% more contagious and about 100% more virulent than the Alpha variant, according to a statement made by Public Health England in June this year. Throughout the second half of the summer, the number of daily new cases remained at the level of tens of thousands and the number of COVID-19-related hospitalisations was roughly seven-fold higher than exactly a year before, although 76.7% of people aged 16 and over received the second dose of the vaccine until the third decade of August this year. It is important to add that the majority of them are from lower immunological privileges. Also, more than 11,000 new cases have recently been reported in Israel, and the number of deaths there have already increased to 55, which represents 55% of the number of daily deaths there in January. It is important to add that, unlike in January, the peak number of deaths for the day with the 11,000 new cases will be in two weeks, and it is likely that it will be even greater, despite the different season.
Furthermore, more than 18 million people living in Great Britain received the second dose from the 12th of April, the projected time of herd immunity by University College London, and the 23th of August, with an average rate of 140,000 administrations per day.
On the other hand, Romania had about 26% of adults fully vaccinated and there had been no spike of infections with the Delta variant, almost during the entire summer, despite the very low level of restrictions. This represents a serious sign that the nature and origins of SARS-CoV-2 not only do not allow for the development of a vaccine in at least 15 years, but also can have vaccination attempts overwhelm the immune system and hijack its evolutionary processes.
It is important to add that, during the immunisation process, it was discovered that the synthesised spike protein not only spread to other parts of the body, but that it is also capable of sometimes being transmitted from person to person, which means it is possible that a larger quantity of the spike protein is produced after injection, which automatically means the mRNA can “infect” numerous cells. It is estimated that up to 1% of the nucleotides in the spike protein-encoding mRNA is likely to get reverse transcribed and integrated into the host cell’s DNA, especially when there is a higher number of cells “infected” with that mRNA. This is likely to have happened because the mRNA is protected by lipid nanoparticles and genetically modified at the nucleoside level, to an extent of being capable of resisting degradation for a much longer time, with the purpose of synthesising a quantity of spike protein that can clearly be recognised by the immune system. The fact that about 1% of the spike protein’s mRNA nucleotides are reverse transcribed via HIV-1/LINE-1 Reverse Transcriptases and integrated into various parts of the genome show the difficulty to demonstrate the existence of HIV-1 inserts into the spike protein’s mRNA, given the small amount. But the fact that the worrying study indicated a clear similarity between SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein and the HIV’s gp120 and gag proteins, via computational biology modelling, already gives rise to a statistical significance that there are actually HIV-1 inserts into the mRNA for the SARS-COV-2’s spike protein. The research communities are still in a stage that is too early to be able to determine a more exact limit of the amount of synthesised spike protein on an average basis, and a rushed mass vaccination, even to level of mandation in current work spaces, is in my view highly unethical, especially given the fact that none of the developed vaccination attempting approaches have been approved by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration or the British Medical Association, and multiple methods of relatively cheap antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatment with low risk and substantial efficacy are broadly available.
It is critical to add that inducible pluripotent STEM cells of the myocardium and the alveoli are the most susceptible to damage by the spike protein, that young people have the most of these cells in the organism and that children and young adults have endothelial barriers that are not as developed as the ones of older adults. Likewise, children and young adults are more likely to experience side effects at the level of essential organs, and also the mRNA and its product are more capable of spreading to opposite sites of their organism. Likewise, it is immoral to rollout this vaccine to people under 18, and I am calling for governments, as well as medical and scientific agencies not to allow people aged under 18 to receive such inoculation methods.
Moreover, the spike protein was demonstrated to have harmful effects upon endothelial cells, though it is more probable to do so if there are two or more spike proteins in the same cell. Namely, they are often capable of damaging and less frequently of even lysing a number of host endothelial cells and their compartments, which likely results in the spread of spike protein and its mRNA into the bloodstream and to opposite sites of the body. Hence, it is likely that it is more difficult than anticipated to establish a specific restriction level against a possibly excessive synthesis of spike protein. A similar situation may take place with adenovirus and baculovirus-based methods, given that over 12% of the viral genome will still be produced as a result of transcription and the genes are set to multiply to a level where the immune system will properly interact with and dispose of the synthesised viral proteins. Given the early stages of research and the complex nature of the virus and the spike protein, it might be substantially difficult to ensure there is an optimum number of cells occupied by the mRNA and spike protein.
This can only increase the probability and frequency of substantial implications by the inserted DNA or mRNA genetic material upon the human functional genome (the kind of inserted genetic material does not matter much because the recombinant genes express mRNA), and that may implicate, in a number of cases, indirect frameshift mutations in important genes.
There are differences in the level of mRNA spread and expression in each type of current immunisation method. However, the implicated DNA and mRNA are set to be expressed in a visible manner because the goal is the same; to bring about a threshold level of recognition by the immune system. The problem is that, especially in the mRNA-based vaccines, the mRNA can spread to more cells and raise the risk of mutation and cancer development, particularly in the part of the population with higher susceptibility, although antibody-dependent enhancement and pressurised immune selection can put even a number of healthier individuals at a visible risk. Phenotypic outcomes may occur even years after infection or immunisation attempts using a fragment of the virus with a lasting translational activity. And most importantly, there is a probability for an increased incidence of tumour genesis and development, since LINE-1 retro-transposons and reverse transcriptases are known to support this.
"In 2011, Professor Peng was designated as a Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS by WHO." A number of aspects require clarification here. This is not about questioning achievements and personal talents, which are to be highly admired, but about questioning whether external political agendas of undemocratic powerful nations are likely to exist, and how to guard democratic countries against any ideological or medical Trojan horses. The Institute of Virology in Wuhan was alleged to have inserted four regions from the HIV-1 virus into the mRNA for the spike protein, and significant molecular and evolutionary pieces of evidence were presented. The rebuttal that the study is baseless because it was retracted is now invalid because in December 2020, the phenomenon of HIV-1 Reverse Transcription and insertion of some parts of the mRNA for the spike protein into coding DNA was discovered. Then, there is this piece of information about the wife of President Xi, the First Lady of China, having been decorated as a Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS by the WHO in 2011.
The World Health Organisation has repeatedly co-operated with a powerful communist executive power, and the director of the United States of America’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded an important institute of virology in the country run by the same executive power back in 2018. This should raise the eyebrows of 7 billion people. And remember, when the world goes for a potential medical Trojan Horse created by an undemocratic regime and probably and at least indirectly, even by a number of powerful individuals excessively promoting the currents of Malthusianism (that artificial interventions are needed to control potentially excessive growths of the world population) and Cornucopianism (that innovative artificial tools, such as molecular cloning, are needed to avoid running out of resources as a result of any excessive growth of world population), then we are in an unprecedented danger. The disregard of other sides of the debate, such as the theory by Dr Pierre Velhurst (obtained his PhD at the age of 25), in which nature was viewed as a proportionate, regulatory force for any excessive growth of population, is becoming highly concerning. Repeatedly injecting a piece of mRNA from a virus with very potential gain-of-function research origins, which likely contains regions from HIV-1, deeply into the upper arms of billions of people, close to the venae cavae, is insanity, no matter how short these HIV-1 regions are! When are we going to start asking questions related to this matter?
Overall, if the current mass vaccination methods continue, there is a significant statistical possibility that, sooner or later, there will be an unprecedented rise in the number of immunodeficiencies, as well as molecular diseases, including serious forms of cancer. The people at a higher risk would be the ones with a family history of genetic molecular diseases, exposed to epigenetic risk factors, as well as the people with weaker immune systems. That is because, for example, their DNA repair mechanisms are generally not as capable of reaching the normal level of functioning. Additionally, for the majority of healthy people who received the first and second doses, it is more likely they will develop mutations after their third dose, given that it is possible their immune system, and automatically their DNA repair mechanism, will start declining some time after their second dose.
Most importantly, because of the exponential increase in viral infectiousness and virulence, partly due to as a result of the ability of the spike protein to undergo antigenic modifications due to viral mutation, it is likely that a third and a fourth dose of such vaccines will be needed within the next twelve months, and such approaches will make the situation even worse. The high number of serious side effects (from which at least 90% and potentially up to 99% have not been reported), combined with the suppression of data about early and anti-inflammatory treatment from the cellular level, adds up to the urge of an immediate change of course of events and robust investigation of any potential interference with attempts to flatten the curve of the number of hospitalisations and deaths.
Therefore, I believe that the current mass vaccination efforts based on recombinant genes of harmless and weakened viruses, as well as nucleoside-modified mRNA, which specify the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, should be immediately halted and reviewed by a committee of worldwide experts, and the parts of the analysis that can robustly be made public should be televised to the entire scientific and medical community, alongside the general public.
Yours sincerely,
Theodor-Nicolae Carp
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences, University of Essex
Reference list:
1. In vitro experiment showing LINE-1 and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase influence upon small parts of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, available at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.12.422516v1.full (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33330870/)
2. Peer-reviewed scientific study in which it was determined that contents of the genetic material of the novel coronavirus can be reverse transcribed and integrated into the functional genome of human cells via the catalysis of LINE-1 reverse transcriptases; available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8166107/ (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33958444/)
3. Study performed in India and then withdrawn, highlighting a peculiar evolutionary link between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the HIV-1 gp120 and gag proteins, available at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1
4. Scientific paper displaying that, as a result of HIV-1 retro-transcription, the newly synthesised DNA sequence is longer than the single-stranded RNA that was reverse-transcribed; available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3475395/
5. Scientific article displaying new evidence about retro-transcription of SARS-CoV-2 coding genetic material into the host cell’s DNA; points of view mentioned here are mixed; available at: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/05/further-evidence-offered-claim-genes-pandemic-coronavirus-can-integrate-human-dna?fbclid=IwAR0aWBEsFNik1G_i9421PTv4UViCwVc0Jp5V2A3kwDs67BH3YlQpa4Spp6s
6. Peer-reviewed scientific review article showing the existence of risks of adenovirus and mRNA-based vaccine nucleotides to be integrated into the human genome, available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8168329/
7. Scientific journal containing data that was used to identify the principal proteins implicated in SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 common molecular pathways, available at: https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/25/12/2944/htm
8. Scientific article that involves a comprehensive analysis on how LINE-1 retro-transposons and reverse transcriptases support tumour formation and growth, available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fchem.2016.00006/full?fbclid=IwAR2-No_OcMO-hH4m7u86ZbdOeNuAcT1Ck23yFzv-Ovm1J74IoMm10huWi0E
9. Scientific article describing the ability of the lipid nanoparticles from the self-amplifying mRNA vaccines to protect the spike protein-encoding mRNA from degradation in the beginning, available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8032477/
10. Scientific study displaying the mechanisms of nucleoside modified mRNA vaccines in the human organism, available at: https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007%2F978-1-4939-6481-9_6
11. Scientific review article published in October 2020, highlighting the need of using self-amplifying mRNA to mount a threshold level of immune defence against the spike protein and the virus, available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41434-020-00204-y
12. Recent American mainstream media opinion article indicating there is evidence of gain-of-function research that influenced the origins of the novel coronavirus, available at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-science-suggests-a-wuhan-lab-leak-11622995184?fbclid=IwAR3zVnyrqvyYYBl1L3kTSTbViwDbu3drhm04a7j8JKY2XqelyjQzCfUFNHM
13. Scientific study aimed to determine the relationship between spike proteins and endothelial cells proved the ability of such proteins to damage those cells and sometimes even cause cellular lysis, available at: hhttps://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.318902#
14. An experiment involving an insightful study of the biochemical mechanisms of the spike protein indicate its potentially hazardous effect upon the integrity of the marine life and its environment, available at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.11.425914v1.full
15. Scientific study showing a suspect pair of CGG codons in the SARS-CoV-2 genomic region that specifies the S1/S2 subunit junction in the spike protein, available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7744920/
16. Peer-reviewed scientific paper outlining the ability of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to undergo antigenic modifications due to viral mutations, thereby raising an important question about the long-term ability of the current vaccines to uphold herd immunity; available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7462717/
17. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was shown to cross the blood-brain barrier in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in vitro models; available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33053430/
18. The number of amino acids in the spike protein of a previous SARS-CoV-2 variant is 1,273, which means the number of nucleotides in its mRNA genetic region is 3,819, which represents over 12% of the number of nucleotides in the genome of that variant; available at: Ianl.gov/updates/sars-cov-w2-variant.php
19. News outlet discussing a study indicating that the Pfizer vaccine is more deadly than the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, available at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LO3g0jCO6v8
20. A scientific paper displaying extensive data about the first postmortem case involving a patient who had received a Moderna vaccine, available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2021.04.053
21. Peer-reviewed scientific study implicating discussion on the fact that there had been far from sufficient data collected from COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials approximately a month and two weeks before the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the United Kingdom, available at: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4037
22. Scientific journal indicating the existence of a considerable amount of evidence that anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can induce antibody-dependent enhancement and increase the morbidity of the infectious disease, available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33113270/
23. Scientific review article containing an extensive study, in which it was determined there are significant risks of the development of antibody-dependent enhancement in numerous subjects as a result of mass anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, available at: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-020-00789-5
24. Article in an important medical journal underlining a significant current level of censorship and corruption among the medical-political spectrum, available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4425
25. Research article whose data demonstrates the ability of the spike protein to damage junctional proteins that are implicated in the maintenance of the endothelial cell barrier’s integrity, available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcvm.2021.687783/full
26. Salk Institute scientific article indicating that SARS-CoV-2 primarily targets the circulatory system, although it affects the respiratory tract as well, available at: https://www.salk.edu/news-release/the-novel-coronavirus-spike-protein-plays-additional-key-role-in-illness/
27. Medical journal highlighting the existence of risks of post-vaccine spike protein-induced protein misfolding in the encephalon, giving rise to risks of neurodegenerative disorders, available at: https://scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-vaccine-associated-parkinsons-disease-a-prion-disease-signal-in-the-uk-yellow-card-adverse-event-database-1746.pdf
28. Scientific article outlining the fact that Pfizer was liable to pay the biggest fine in U.S. history - approximately 2.3 billion U.S. dollars - in 2009 for being habitually involved in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, as well as for blackmailing medical doctors and suppressing data about adverse reactions to medical products developed by them, available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2875889/
29. Pfizer Safety and Effectiveness Clinical Trials 1/2/3 protocol, available at: 82.221.129208/pfizervax.pdf
30. UNAIDS article highlighting the achievements of the First Lady of China, Mrs Peng Liyuan, with her campaigns of awareness for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, available at: https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/pressreleaseandstatementarchive/2017/january/20170118_first-lady-Peng-Liyuan"